Gaza: refugees and Vincentian Family

The realities of a weak region
Wednesday 24 June 2020 02:00
Soeur Susan Sheehan
Filles de la charité

Gaza is located in the south of Israel and is one of the most densely populated areas in the world with nine refugee camps. Extreme poverty has affected all aspects of life for over two million people. UNERWA, a UN relief agency, has been trying to feed families for over 72 years and also provides education and health services to the refugees. Since March, with limited resources and the pandemic affecting the world, families are hungry and need help more than ever. About 80% of the population is unemployed in normal times and since the lockdown that began in early March, many more people are out of work.

Since the beginning of March, the government has closed border crossings to protect the population from exposure to the virus. Hospitals and clinics do not have the necessary equipment to serve any Covid-19 victims who may enter. As a result, the number of people infected with the virus is relatively low. People stayed at home and children did not go to school. Masks were not available to the general public.

L'équipe des Filles de la Charité est en service à

She has been working in Gaza for twenty-five years and in recent years has run three programmes there with the help of two local women who have been working part-time for the team for years.

When the pandemic struck, the director was abroad and could not return. She and the social worker were able to continue the ongoing programme to ensure that seriously ill people received their medication every month from a distance. The team attached to this programme is made up of several people from the Vincentian Family, including two Italian brothers, an Italian sister, an Austrian sister and two Daughters of Charity who regularly go to Gaza to help this neglected population.

If the borders are reopened this month, the team will be able to return to Gaza to carry out renovation work on a residence sponsored by FamVin's FNA 13 Houses campaign. In 2019, the Rosalie's Projects had also participated in the rehabilitation of 2 houses for refugee families. After four wars in Gaza, many families still have houses without doors or windows, roofs with holes from bombing, no floors, bathrooms or kitchens.