Our news

2 repas par jours à l'école pour de jeunes élèves de familles pauvres

I promise you - We Did It

Tuesday 23 July 2024 00:00
2 meals a day at school for children from poor families
Sœur Marie Rose NYIRACYIZA et Sœur Théodosie NYIRAHAGENIMANA

Our friends the books - We Did It

Thursday 18 July 2024 00:00
Setting up a learning room for children in Brazil
Sr Ana Gonçalves da Costa

It'll be better than before - We Did It

Friday 28 June 2024 00:00
Renovating a dilapidated home
Sr Marthe Roquebert

Dances with Wolves - We Did It

Monday 24 June 2024 00:00
Defending abused women in Albania
Sœur Besa Deda

When all you have are chickens

Thursday 13 June 2024 00:00
Generating income for an inclusive school in Nigeria
Sr Martha Ali
Formation agricole pour des personnes porteuses de handicaps au Nigeria

Repairing the living - We Did It

Thursday 23 May 2024 00:00
Agricultural training for disabled people in Nigeria
Sr Alimnu Emerechi

As if you weren't the same... - We Did It

Friday 03 May 2024 00:00
Education of young disabled people in an inclusive school
Sr Anyanwu Sylvia Chinagorom

The load-bearing walls - We Did It

Friday 26 April 2024 00:00
Building a kindergarten in Tanzania
Sr Domitienne Esuba

Open dump - We Did It

Tuesday 09 April 2024 00:00
Safety equipment and parcels for Araçatí's ragpickers
Sœur Ana Lúcia Piteira de Carvalho