Books for a future
Childcare and education
Books for a future : To facilitate the learning of our students
Tax eligible

Project partners

20 backers
on an objective of
20 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
175 € / 175 €
25 science books
352 € / 352 €
50 french books
1056 € / 1056 €
150 german, spanish, and english books
70 € / 70 €
25 mathematics books
459 € / 459 €
50 computer science books

The background of Midjivin

Midjivin is a small town located in the extreme north of Cameroon, near Kaele, in a region as arid as the Sahel. Its economy is based on farming and agriculture, though cultivation methods remain primitive.

Some of the works of the Daughters of Charity

The Daughters of Charity have been at the service of the people of Mudjivin and the surrounding villages since 1972 through health visits, cares to the lepers, maternal and child care, adult literacy, and the animation of groups of children and evangelization in collaboration with the catechists of the villages.

They opened a nursery school in 1997, as well as the primary school St Catherine Labouré, the training center “Marguerite Naseau” and an old people’s home in 2004.

A call

For a few years, there has been a need to keep track of the students who had completed their primary education at St Catherine Labouré.

The Daughters of Charity opened a first secondary school class at the parents’ request with students from all the area. This is the only one of the department and the second of the diocese.
These young people come from poor families who make great sacrifices to send them to school and cannot afford to buy books. Not being able to own a book or to bring it home slows the learning of the students.


The origins of the project

DC Lorraine, who has been in charge of young people, initiated the project aiming at financing school books, so that every sixth grader can simply have a book and learn.

Project funding

Total cost of the project is €2,112, including the purchase of 50 Maths, French, Spanish, German, Sciences, Computer Science and English books.

Thus €50 are enough to pay for all the books a secondary student needs for a year.

Studying with a book, learning and receiving a formation which provides future opportunities are basic principles at the core of school education.


With your contributions you provide a future to the girls and boys of Midjivin’s secondary school.

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Sr Lorraine Djongoue Toko

Quelle joie d'apprendre que nous avons atteint notre objectif ! Je vais partager la bonne nouvelle aux enfants. Merci à chacun pour ce bonheur !! Dieu vous bénisse tous.

Posted about 6 years
Sr Lorraine Djongoue Toko

J'espère de tout cœur que notre projet des livres connaîtra un heureux aboutissement, pour la joie et le bien des élèves !
Merci à chacun de vous. Avec tous les élèves, nous vous en sommes reconnaissants ! Merci !

Posted about 6 years
Sr Lorraine Djongoue Toko

Chers amis généreux,
Comment ne pas être sensibles et reconnaissants à vos efforts! Grâce à chacun de vous, plusieurs jeunes de familles pauvres feront l'expérience des apprentissages scolaires dans de meilleures conditions en manipulant les livres que vos dons permettront d'acquérir désormais. Grâce à ces livres, leurs performances scolaires connaîtront une nette amélioration. Merci pour votre élan de cœur!

Posted about 6 years
Sr Lorraine Djongoue Toko

Chers amis donateurs,
Merci infiniment pour votre générosité incommensurable. Oui grâce à cet élan de cœur, plusieurs enfants pauvres pourront améliorer leurs performances scolaires et connaître la joie de manipuler un livre. Merci ! Nos prières soutiennent vos efforts.
Sr Lorraine

Posted over 6 years

The last 20 supports



Franco D.
Franco D.

107 €



50 €

FC Frg
FC Frg

100 €


40 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

25 €

Mariela A.
Mariela A.

40 €


50 €


100 €

Joseph S.
Joseph S.

900 €

Madeleine S.
Madeleine S.

70 €


100 €



Franco D.
Franco D.

20 €


Christine D.
Christine D.

50 €


40 €

Micheline Clavel
Daughter of Charity

Daughter Lorraine DJONGOUE TOKO, Daughter of Charity, member of the community of Midjivin, made of 5 sisters. I am taking care of young people’s education at Saint Catherine Labouré. A Sister is in charge of women advancement and the hostel Saint Vincent of Paul, which welcomes students coming from remote villages to attend Midjivin’s secondary school. Another Sister addresses the issues of health and training.
