After all the successive health, political and economic crises, Lebanon's entry into the Israeli conflict is yet another traumatic test for the morale of the population. People are exhausted, crushed by misfortune, but they have to fight every day against fear and discouragement.
In these times of distress, the presence of the Daughters of Charity is more essential than ever to provide security, stability and comfort to the poor, the sick and refugee families who have lost everything.
At the Karm el Zitoun dispensary, in a poor district of Beirut where they have been based since 1953, the sisters offer medicines, care, meals and social assistance, while also investing in the education of children. They also meet the homeless.
Despite the tragic situation they share on a daily basis with the residents of their neighbourhood, they are determined to continue to instil courage and hope during this Advent season.
On Christmas Day, a meal will be served to 150 street children and families of displaced persons, as well as 100 elderly single people.
"Despite the stress and anxiety, we want our young and old to share joy and festivity during this short respite: it's Christmas first and foremost..." Sr Rita
They will also receive gifts such as clothing, school supplies and essential items to improve their quality of life in these difficult times.
Thank you so much for your solidarity with these children and their elders on Christmas Day!
All donations received in excess of the target will be donated to the project to enable Sr Rita to benefit more poor children, single elderly people and displaced families.
15 €
200 €
100 €
500 €
150 €
300 €
45 €
250 €
50 €
50 €
My name is Sister Rita El Khoury and I have been a Lebanese Daughter of Charity since 15 March 2006. My mission is with young people and the social and medical service at the dispensary in Karm El Zeitoun. I am also the provincial bursar for the Middle East.