Against Covid19: Hygiene and Dignity
Reintegration and training
Against Covid19: Hygiene and Dignity : Hygiene, a daily struggle in times of crisis
Tax eligible

Project partners

25 backers
on an objective of
25 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
618 € / 618 €
Installations électriques dans la buanderie
1325 € / 1325 €
Acquisition du sèche-linge : 1ère tranche
1325 € / 1325 €
Acquisition du sèche-linge : 2ème tranche
1037 € / 364 €
Socle et kit de superposition

Hygiene that is difficult for homeless people to access

This project carried out by Sister Danièle in Paris underlines the difficulty for homeless people to have access to basic needs such as hygiene, especially in this period of health crisis.

According to a survey by the French Red Cross, only 15% of the homeless can afford a daily shower in "normal" times and almost 50% of them do not have the necessary hygiene products for their toilet.

Every homeless person should have easy access to care and hygiene to help them become aware of their dignity and regain confidence in their ability to reintegrate.

Created in 2013, the Association "DePaul France" is located in the premises of the Daughters of Charity 41 Rue des Périchaux in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, a long underprivileged district where the sisters have been present since the end of the 19th century.

The association offers homeless people various hygiene services (showers, laundry, emergency cloakroom) supplemented by health monitoring (permanent nursing staff, a doctor on occasion, a chiropodist) as a starting point to encourage people to leave the street and reintegrate into society.

About forty volunteers, including 8 Daughters of Charity, welcome, advise and support these people in need of hygiene but also of social contact.

The current conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic are particularly difficult for isolated elderly people, the homeless, isolated minors, migrants... In addition to the physical and emotional loneliness, there is also the anguish, nervousness and loss of bearings that this situation generates. Women are even more vulnerable, often victims of aggression.

The needs: to meet the demands of hygiene in times of coronavirus

While the basic hygiene products essential to daily life are already inaccessible or even impossible for the smallest budgets, how to take a shower, how to wash your clothes, how to benefit from minor care when you are living on the street? And that many care structures have been forced to completely or partially stop their activity?

Although DePaul has had to interrupt the "mobile shower" service that used to criss-cross the neighbourhoods, it continues to welcome these people in search of hygiene by respecting the recommended social distance conditions and disinfecting after each visit.

The volunteer teams are currently working with fewer people, but the demand for laundry and other services continues and requires faster drying.

All too often saturated, the day centre is nevertheless forced to limit the number of laundry services due to the lack of sufficient time for drying during normal opening hours and to avoid users waiting too long for their clean laundry.

The laundry service offered by the DePaul association meets a fundamental need for hygiene, not only today for those on the street during this period of confinement, but also soon when users return in large numbers as soon as the confinement is lifted.

For the moment, only a dozen or so washes are allowed per opening day because of the confinement, whereas the needs are much greater.

An additional tumble dryer will therefore allow an efficient increase in service while limiting the risks of spreading the virus.

The Project: Acquisition of a tumble dryer to limit waiting time in the reception service

This project to purchase a tumble dryer is a one-off response to a real and ongoing need, and it is being exacerbated at this very moment by the Coronavirus epidemic.

Sister Danièle and the DePaul teams call upon our solidarity so that, thanks to this semi-industrial dryer, a fast and efficient service can be assured, even after the confinement. It will then suffice to increase the power available in the room.

After the delivery and installation of this new machine, users will wait less time for their laundry and will be able to do extra laundry within a week if necessary. New users will also be welcomed and volunteers will be able to more easily apply the rules of social distancing without diminishing the services offered.

The beneficiaries: a vulnerable public that refuses to be neglected

Many of these people living in great precariousness are aware of the importance of their health and hygiene in order to be able to get by.

The Perichaux Centre was able to welcome more than 6,200 people last year and more than 1,600 people since the beginning of 2020.

Hygiene being one of the conditions to find or keep any activity, it is almost impossible for these people to claim a reinsertion without daily access to a shower, the possibility to shave, to brush their teeth, and to have clean linen.

After their time at DePaul's, you can hear:

"You saved me, the laundry's done, my feet are as good as new, and the day is just beginning! " (Reza)

"When I arrive, I'm not well, when I leave, I'm better! "(Medhi)

"When I come out of your reception, I feel clean and dignified. It makes me want to live. "(Stéphane)

Or: "Thank you, you saved me! I was letting myself go... »

These people usually live on the streets. Because of the epidemic, some of them are currently being cared for on an ad hoc basis in various structures set up by the public authorities. For the most vulnerable people, the association has decided to lodge them in hotels and to cover the cost of their accommodation, which is not done in ordinary times and causes expenses that are not budgeted for 2020.

Additional donations, if any, will help us to cover these costs.


By participating in this project, you are helping a homeless person to maintain their hygiene so that they can reintegrate into society.

Thank you for your support to Sister Danièle and the DePaul teams, all of whom are committed to respecting the people they accompany on a daily basis.

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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Message de Sr Danièle Kogel à vous qui avez soutenu le projet

Chers amis,

Votre générosité m’étonnera toujours. Je vous adresse donc un grand merci au nom de nos amis de la rue et des bénévoles de Depaul.
Une visite des lieux, après l’épidémie sera toujours possible pour vous.
Voici quelques nouvelles de notre association vincentienne.

Pendant le confinement, grâce à l’implication de nouveaux bénévoles, nous avons pu maintenir des permanences deux, et puis trois fois par semaine. Le nombre d'accueillis reste gérable, autour d'une quinzaine par matinée.
A partir du 11 mai, la situation restera toujours très délicate. Nous souhaitons, dans un premier temps, maintenir 3 permanences par semaine : lundi, mercredi et vendredi.
Une nouvelle organisation est mise en place pour la gestion des services afin d’ éviter les regroupements et faciliter la distanciation sociale, par exemple :
• Le nombre d'accueillis à l'intérieur en même temps est limité à une dizaine.
• La désinfection des mains et le port de masque sont obligatoires pour tous
• Le couloir des douches est condamné car trop étroit, les accueillis passent, donc, par l'extérieur et utilisent la porte d'entrée côté douches pour aller se laver.

Puis-je encore vous demander un service ? Diffuser à votre réseau notre appel « sèche- linge »…. Peut-être suscitera-t-il , en plus, de nouveaux bénévoles ?

Il y a beaucoup de demande pour des lessives (d’autres lieux d’accueil n’ont plus de rendez-vous pour les machines avant la mi-juin). Pouvoir prendre quelques lessives supplémentaires dans l’après-midi et sécher plus rapidement le linge, rendra bien service aux accueillis.

Avec mon amitié fraternelle. Sr Danièle

Posted almost 4 years

The last 20 supports



Antoine A.
Antoine A.

15 €

Antoine Viricel.
Antoine Viricel.

20 €


50 €

Anne et thierry Delhomme.
Anne et thierry Delhomme.

500 €



Antoine A.
Antoine A.

15 €


Françoise Brun.
Françoise Brun.

20 €

Jocelyne R.
Jocelyne R.

50 €

Fermette Marillac.
Fermette Marillac.

50 €

Christelle Javary.
Christelle Javary.

100 €



Marc  Pernod.
Marc Pernod.

50 €

Anne Ferrante.
Anne Ferrante.

50 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

25 €

Pierre De laroche.
Pierre De laroche.

50 €

L'équipe des Projets Rosalie
Sr Danièle Kogel

Je suis Sœur Danièle Kogel de la province Belgique France Suisse. Fille de la Charité depuis 50 ans, je suis plus particulièrement engagée auprès des personnes en situation de grande précarité, en Ile de France et notamment ces dernières années à Paris, auprès des personnes qui vivent à la rue. Cet engagement m’a conduite à être bénévole au sein de l’Association loi 1901 « de Paul France » car j’ai toujours travaillé avec des associations de laïcs.
Je vis actuellement dans une communauté de 3 sœurs, dans une maison située au cœur de Paris, dont la fondation remonte au temps de St Vincent. Dans cette maison, outre la communauté, il y a une école, un collège et des locataires. Nous nous efforçons de sensibiliser ces personnes à la réalité de ce que vivent les sans-abri de Paris. Ainsi l’école et le collège organisent régulièrement des collectes de produits d’hygiène et de tee-shirts pour les usagers de De Paul. Certains locataires font des dons (lessive, briquets…) Tous sont associés aux engagements de la communauté.
