The Ballad of Happy People
The Ballad of Happy People : Respite care for the homeless
Tax eligible

Project partners

33 backers
on an objective of
33 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
680 € / 680 €
Ateliers (cuisine, jeux...) et activités (bowling, musée…) en 1/2 journée
1024 € / 1024 €
Sorties à la journée (Fontainebleau, parc de Sceaux, mer)
2768 € / 2768 €
Séjour à En Calcat pour 9 personnes (transport, hébergement, repas, musées)
1388 € / 1388 €
2 séjours à Saint Sulpice de Favière pour 6 personnes (transport, hébergement, activités)
640 € / 640 €
Brunch de Noël pour 60 personnes

The Depaul association alongside the homeless

The Daughters of Charity in France are heavily involved in the Depaul association, created in 2013 to work alongside homeless people in innovative ways. The association uses hygiene and health as a starting point to encourage people to leave the streets and reintegrate into society. It offers two activities: a day center in Paris in the home of the Périchaux sisters and two Mobil'douches (Paris and Avignon). In 2023, over 450 people benefited from these services.

L'Accueil Périchaux, a health and hygiene center in the 15th arrondissement, and more...

"Everyone should be able to benefit from easy access to healthcare and hygiene, and thus regain their dignity and self-confidence. However, part of the population living in very precarious conditions has lost the desire to take care of their bodies and their health as a whole". Sr Solange

The Accueil Périchaux offers showers, laundry, hairdressing, an emergency checkroom, medical and chiropody services, as well as personalized support, entertainment and special events...

L'Accueil Périchaux, a health and hygiene center in the 15th arrondissement, and more...

"You saved me, the laundry's done, my feet are as good as new,
and the day is just beginning!" Reza

This accompaniment program at Accueil Périchaux aims to support people who, on a daily basis, find their days fragmented between different places and different activities. 

The project: to organize year-round events and activities to revitalize the sheltered population. 

To help homeless people recreate ties and imagine a positive future, and regain their self-esteem, the association wants to set up a program of activities and breakaway stays. 

“These people will be able to take part in moments of relaxation, get away from their daily ‘galleys’, rediscover beauty, rest, culture, share fraternal moments as a group, and leave with energy and strength to pursue their projects!” Sr Solange

These moments of respite and breathing space encourage the emergence of a request for support or a reintegration project that may no longer be expressed... 

The activities will be supervised by the team of volunteers and the social worker to achieve or approach micro-objectives. 
A total of 21 activities will be offered over the 12 months, with a target of 238 participants.

There are 4 categories of proposals:

- activities outside Accueil Périchaux: a recreational, sporting or cultural activity for a dozen or so guests (e.g. bowling, museum visit), for half a day.

- monthly workshops: an afternoon activity for a dozen or so guests (e.g. cooking, film-debate, board games)

- outings: a one-day break for a change of scenery and a change of scenery for a dozen or so guests (e.g. an outing to Fontainebleau, a day at the seaside, a picnic in the Parc de Sceaux)

- breakaway stays: 2 stays at Saint Sulpice la Favière (4 days), including 1 stay with a group of alcoholics or a group of women, and 1 stay at En Calcat Abbey (5 days). The stays are co-constructed with the participants; the empowerment and autonomy of all is sought and supported.

A large Christmas brunch for 60 people brings the year to a close, enabling everyone to come together for a mass and a celebration under the banner of shared fraternity.

The program is rounded out by a monthly dinner at La Madeleine, hosted by the Refettorio association in Paris, and pétanque matches at Les Périchaux!

This program makes a major contribution to the fight against poverty.
With them, thanks to you!

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Véronique Cappoen.

L' équipe des accueillis de l'association DEPAUL arrive d'un séjour de rupture de 5 jours dans le Tarn.
Grâce à chacun et chacune de vous, ils ont eu la possibilité de vivre autre chose que la galère de la rue.
Le matin, ils ont vécu un temps d'activités, jardinage, récolte de tomates, et l'après-midi, ils ont découvert la région.
Ils ont apprécié le silence et la beauté du cadre...
Un grand merci ! Ce fut pour eux un moment de pause : refaire leur santé, redécouvrir l'outil de travail
et le bonheur d'un vivre ensemble.
Les personnes accueillies vous remercient chacun à leur manière, mais soyez-en sûr avec tout leur coeur.
Votre participation financière va nous permettre de faire d'autres projets avec eux et d'accueillir d'autres personnes qui feront l'expérience d'un séjour hors de Paris.
Il y a plusieurs manières d'être au service des plus démunis, et vous faites partie de cette chaine de solidarité. MERCI
Toutes mes amitiés et union de prières - Sr SOLANGE

Posted 23 days

The last 20 supports







Dominique et Alice Ramassamy.
Dominique et Alice Ramassamy.

52 €

Pierre De laroche.
Pierre De laroche.

100 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

15 €

Gabriel Boisson.
Gabriel Boisson.

40 €

Gabriel Boisson.
Gabriel Boisson.

60 €




Annie Lestrade.
Annie Lestrade.

60 €


145 €


Antoine A.
Antoine A.

25 €

Olivier Glaize.
Olivier Glaize.

25 €

Aurélie Gombauld.
Aurélie Gombauld.

300 €

Véronique Cappoen.
Soeur Solange Rault

I am a Daughter of Charity. I've been a member of Depaul's Board of Directors since its inception; I was part of the steering committee that worked to create the Depaul association and open the Accueil Périchaux. It's a source of joy and richness for me.
I also volunteer with the homeless association Aux Captifs la Libération. I've organized a lot of outings and breakaways. I'd like to pass on this experience to Depaul, help the team set up such projects, support them in organizing them and be present during the stays. It's my way of taking part in the great Vincentian project that is Depaul!
