The Magic Table: a great escape
Medical care
The Magic Table: a great escape  : A Parenthesis of Happiness for the Elderly Sick
Tax eligible

Project partners

63 backers
on an objective of
63 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
528 € / 528 €
2 games (beach balls and fish)
3120 € / 3120 €
Magic Table Module (with box and remote control)
792 € / 792 €
3 games (Leaves, flowers, butterflies)
996 € / 996 €
Staff training
856 € / 792 €
3 games (Bubbles, universe, proverbs)

The project of the month is about the well-being and aging of people residing in “La Providence”.

Since its foundation by the Charity girls, the Providence welcomes elderly people who lost their independence physically and/or intellectually.

Situated in Le Coteau, in the Roanne region, the Providence adapts to answer as best as possible to the needs of its residents. The retirement home gather a group of people assisting in health and social needs.

185 persons whose 35 charity girls, live in this house, dedicated to life care. As long as their health permits it, the sisters keep praying, participating to liturgical life, and all in being also presents for, the residents, their families and the health professionals.

Azheilmer's disease affects 900 000 persons in France and we can count 22 000 new cases each year. The Providence is also concerned by the increasing of these neurodegenerative troubles.

Indeed, the majority of the residents suffer of the decreasing of their intellectual and cognitive capacities. Daily’s activities as eating or communicating become difficult to do, causing anxiety, tensions, insomnias, and isolations.

In “la Providence” the health care personnel, constantly try to meet the need of their patients, offering therapies to maintain and stimulate their capacities.

Because they endeavor to look after and accompany their reliant residents with dignity, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologist and health personnel of the retired home, identify this project named the “magic tables” or toverfafel as a supplement way to relieve and bring them the comfort they need.

The project "The Magic Table": A breath of fresh air to push the limit

The toverfafel is a non medicinal therapeutic tool conceived for people touching by Alzheimer’s diseases or other dementias. This tool is composed of a little box that can be mounted on the ceiling above a table. Inside the box is a high-quality projector, infrared sensors, speaker, and processor that work together to project the games onto the table. Because the colourful objects respond to hand and arm movements, residents get to play with the light itself.

This new technology emerged, in the Netherlands, from the PhD research of Hester Le Riche.

Dr Hester explains “Elderly people touched by cognitive troubles are often inactive which has a negative effect on their well-being and their capacities. The tovertafel breaks through the passivity in playing, which stimulate them and consequently they become more active.”

Since the use of this tool, we can noticed important progess in

-        Maintaining intellectual and cognitive capacities

-        Creating a nice atmosphere of well-being and interactions

-        decreasing isolations, anxiety, apathy

-        Senses and memory stimulations

Watch the video !

Each game session are planned for one hour, and gathers 4 to 5 residents with a trained health professional. This is not about rehabilitating but bringing wellness and comfort depending on the condition of the patient.


The beneficiaries of this project are the residents whose have cognitive troubles so about 60% of them.

Everyone one of them would beneficiate of this program whatever their situations are (dependence level, disability, cognitive troubles etc..) even though, the tovertafel will be suggest, in a first time, to the residents of the Sainte Catherine’s service.

Besides the awakening of their capacities, the Tovertafel get them together or with their families for a relaxing and enjoyable time.

The family and the personnel would be delighted, to establish a nice or better relationship with their patients, and feel honored to improve their life. The health teams will be very motivated and encouraged by this common project.

The cost of this device is not included in the social budget. However, the non medical therapies, is part of the plan of neuro-degeneratives diseases. Thus, the management of the Providence will take in charge part of the project in addition to the fund-raising of the “Rosalie Projects”.

- Furnitures of the room (tables and chairs)

- Installation of the tovertafel and its spotlight, 2 years guarantee, updated of the softwares (Quote of 1300€ and a VAT of 20%)

- Salaries of the staff

- Purchasing of new games (in option if necessary)


With your donation you will gain the resident’s smiles.

Thank you to support them…in the meanwhile for science to keep evolving.

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Aurélie Gadet.

L’EHPAD de la Providence, les résidents, les salariés , la direction vous remercient pour votre générosité et votre soutien pour notre Projet de Table magique ; grâce à chacun de vous, le projet a été entièrement financé. La commande a été faite et devrait être livrée rapidement.
Les résidents du service Ste Catherine (unité protégée en confinement collectif) vont bientôt pouvoir en profiter… Merci à tous !
Aurélie Gadet (Infirmière cadre de La Providence)

Posted almost 4 years
L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Chers « amis fidèles des Projets Rosalie » et vous, les nouveaux donateurs du Roannais et d’ailleurs…
Vous êtes formidables ! Par ces temps difficiles vous avez répondu très nombreux à notre appel en soutenant ce projet destiné aux résidents les plus fragiles... Chaleureux MERCI à chacun ! Vous recevrez des nouvelles peu après la mise en œuvre de cette animation qui apportera des moments de bonheurs aux résidents et à leur famille, ainsi qu’à l’équipe soignante qui a porté ce projet (en vue d’une nouvelle approche thérapeutique).

Sr Pia Humbel

Posted almost 4 years
Lydie Bajard.

A toutes les personnes qui, par leurs contributions, nous aident à avancer dans notre projet d’acquisition de la « Tovertafel » ou « table magique » pour les résidents les plus fragilisés par la maladie d’Alzheimer ou par toute autre pathologie apparentée, nous souhaitons vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre geste.
Grâce à chacun de vous, nous espérons apporter bientôt un peu plus de sourires, de moments de partage et de joie à ces personnes, tout en continuant à solliciter leurs capacités, leurs potentialités, et en œuvrant au renforcement du lien social. Cette « table magique » constituera pour nous un outil supplémentaire contribuant au bien être de nos aînés, qui constitue le cœur de notre métier.
Ce besoin nous apparaît d’autant plus fort en cette période difficile d’isolement et d’absence de visites familiales...
Alors, à vous tous, MERCI !
L. BAJARD, psychologue et A. GADET, cadre de santé

Posted about 4 years
Soeur Pia Humbel

Chers amis,
Par vos dons, vous avez donné un signe très positif aux soignants qui s’engagent de manière exemplaire pour prendre soin des résidents en confinement. C’est aussi un signe d’espérance pour les familles – actuellement interdites de visites - de pouvoir (bientôt nous l’espérons), voir s’illuminer d’un sourire, le visage de leur proche lors d’une thérapie-animation avec la « Table magique.
Un grand MERCI à toutes les personnes qui contribuent à OFFRIR des MOMENTS de BONHEUR, en soutenant et faisant connaitre ce projet, et aussi dans ce difficile contexte social, en se faisant proches dans leur milieu de vie…

Sr Pia Humbel et Aurélie Gadet

Posted about 4 years

The last 20 supports


Cfdlc Communauté chatillon.
Cfdlc Communauté chatillon.

200 €

Ssvp Conférence saint marc.
Ssvp Conférence saint marc.

400 €


Geneviève David.
Geneviève David.

20 €


Robert Dumoulin.
Robert Dumoulin.

50 €

Daniele Dayet.
Daniele Dayet.

50 €


Simone Gotte.
Simone Gotte.

50 €


Xavier Pilonchery.
Xavier Pilonchery.

10 €


300 €


Amis FC.
Amis FC.

25 €





Mariela A.
Mariela A.

100 €

L'équipe des Projets Rosalie
Sr Pia Humbel

I am Sr. Pia Humbel, happy to have responded to the Lord's call by entering the Community of the Daughters of Charity more than 50 years ago. I have been living for 2 years in the EHPAD de la Providence, located in the commune of Le Coteau (LOIRE) in the town of Roanne. This EHPAD belongs to the private non-profit sector and is 100% eligible for social assistance. The governance and the form of the establishment have evolved over the years: lay management since 1988, transition in 2010 to the "Association Santé Bien Etre", created by the Company of the Daughters of Charity, then to the "Union". Since 1st January 2020, the Union officially changes its name to "ITINOVA", a health, social and medico-social group at the service of the individual.
The management and all the staff are concerned about the well-being of the residents, while respecting the dignity of each person. This "Magic Table" project is one of the initiatives that will awaken the potential of people with cognitive disorders and provide them with moments of shared joy. It is therefore with great pleasure that I am presenting this innovative project with our nurse manager, Aurélie Gadet.

Le coteau