Cut the bridges, change trains
Reintegration and training
Cut the bridges, change trains : Helping 10 women set up their own micro-businesses
Tax eligible

Project partners

21 backers
on an objective of
21 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
973 € / 973 €
Sewing micro-businesses (sewing machines, scissors, fabrics, threads)
1019 € / 1019 €
Clothing and shoe stalls
742 € / 742 €
Vegetable and fruit stands
905 € / 905 €
Meat and vegetables sold for meals in gargotes
151 € / 293 €
Coal stalls

The Daughters of Charity at the side of poor young women in Kigali 

Thanks to Rwanda's strong economic growth in recent years, social progress has helped to reduce poverty in the country. However, major inequalities persist between the capital Kigali and the rest of the country. 
Even in Kigali, the poorest people feel excluded from the vast modernization of the capital: shantytowns are gradually being razed to the ground and inhabitants evicted from their homes. The rural exodus is also adding to the number of poor families looking for work and shelter, while unemployment and inflation are on the rise.

"The economic situation is very weak, there's a lot of unemployment, housing problems, many people live from petty trade to find enough to eat, but there are some who don't have enough to eat. Others look for domestic work with the rich to earn a tiny daily wage." Sr Anastasie

Among the millions of Rwandans living in difficult conditions, young girls who have not had access to education or training are more vulnerable than others. 

"Young girls come to town to earn a living. The work they find is as servants in wealthy families, and most of them risk early pregnancy. Afterwards, they're ashamed to return to their families, and work as prostitutes for a pittance. Sometimes they catch diseases like HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases." Sr Anastasie


Established in Kigali's Nyarugenge district since 1989, the Daughters of Charity are committed to promoting the autonomy of these young women by giving them the means to support themselves through an income-generating activity

A dedicated project to protect women from the spiral of prostitution  

The 3 sisters of the Daughters of Charity community in Kigali decided to help 10 women living in prostitution.

"Their aspiration is to find a way to work and get off the streets, which is why we want to help them set up a micro-enterprise or small business." Sr Anastasie

Cutting and sewing workshops, stalls selling clothes and shoes, vegetable and fruit stalls, gargote and coal sales are just some of the activities that will enable them to earn a living.

"The aim for these women is to help them get out of prostitution by creating jobs for them, so that they can regain their self-esteem, dignity and freedom
We will follow them in their workplaces and homes, and teach them how to manage their savings. Their children, meanwhile, will no longer go hungry, and will be able to have a home and an education, as well as food, clothing and healthcare." Sr Anastasie

Thank you for supporting these 10 women who want to take their destiny back into their own hands.

With them, thanks to you!

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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Chers donateurs,
Loué soit jésus Christ à jamais! Nous sommes reconnaissants de votre appui dans notre mission de Nyamirambo surtout envers les femmes libres. Nous vous remercions de votre amour, votre générosité et votre partage avec ceux qui souffrent, surtout les jeunes femmes en détresse . Nous vous assurons que l'aide reçue sera utilisée à l'intention de créer de l'emploi pour ces femmes pauvres que nous allons aider à constituer un petit capital pour monter un commerce.
Au nom d'elles, nous vous disons encore " Grand Merci" . Que Dieu vous bénisse

Posted 5 months

The last 20 supports







Antoine A.
Antoine A.

30 €

FC Frg
FC Frg

50 €


50 €


50 €


100 €

Fanomezantsoa emma  Rafaraniaina .
Fanomezantsoa emma Rafaraniaina .

120 €

Simone D.
Simone D.

100 €

Hugues D.
Hugues D.

50 €

Dominique et Alice Ramassamy.
Dominique et Alice Ramassamy.

52 €


Antoine A.
Antoine A.

20 €




L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

My name is Sister Anastasie MUKARUGABIRA. I have 34 years of vocation in the Company of the Daughters of Charity, and I have worked in two areas: the formation of young people who want to be Daughters of Charity, and social service. Today I'm in social service, more specifically "accompanying free women" who want to get out of prostitution and develop themselves through small trades that give them dignity.
