Window on lessons
Reintegration and training
Window on lessons  : Literacy for women in Senegal
Tax eligible

Project partners

15 backers
on an objective of
15 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
585 € / 585 €
Supervisory trainer salary
155 € / 155 €
Electricity and water costs for literacy centres
685 € / 685 €
School materials
1275 € / 1275 €
Salaries of the 6 rural trainers
300 € / 300 €
Petrol for travel in the region

Literacy for women : the way out of poverty

The sisters arrived recently (at the end of 2020) in the town of Diouroup, in the district of Fatick in Senegal, and quickly integrated through their knowledge of the language, culture and way of life. At the request of the local people, they set about identifying the services and help they could provide.

In the 15 villages surrounding Diouroup, the sisters organised meetings with various social players: women's associations, parish councils, town councils, regardless of race, gender or religion.

diouroup senegal

One of the main problems identified by local people is adult education, particularly literacy.

"In Senegal, 48% of the adult population cannot read or write.
In the case of women, this percentage rises to 60%. Illiteracy widens the gap between men and women and is one of the causes of the marginalisation of women". Sister Maria Jesus


Project: to promote literacy and impart the skills needed to empower women in particular.

"Women's literacy is the main tool for escaping poverty and preventing it being passed on from generation to generation. It is essential to
encourage their active participation in their communities and society, and to access better employment opportunities. Sister Maria Jesus

Support for this project will make it possible to : 

- pay the trainers in each village community

- purchase school equipment

- pay for petrol to travel to the villages

- pay for electricity and water for the premises made available to the communities.



180 illiterate adults (mainly women) from Diouroup and 15 surrounding villages, divided into communities, each with a trainer.

The training will take place over two years. Literacy courses in French and Serer (a Senegalese language) and basic numeracy courses will take place during the dry season from January to June 2024, when people are more available to study.

Thank you for your support!

With them, thanks to you!

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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Chers donateurs,
Nous venons d'apprendre que le projet « Fenêtre sur cours" pourra se réaliser grâce à votre générosité inconditionnelle , dans le seul but d'aider des femmes de communautés rurales à se former pour aider leur famille.
Nous connaissons votre sensibilité à la promotion des villages et votre conviction que ce sont les femmes qui favorisent le développement d'un pays.
Si elles savent lire et écrire, elles auront de bonnes chances de trouver des débouchés, de pouvoir trouver des sources de revenus et ainsi de pouvoir mener une vie plus digne pour elles et leurs enfants.
Nous partageons avec vous notre joie et la certitude que cet argent facilitera notre service.
Nous vous remercions du fond du cœur pour votre générosité.
Que Dieu vous donne la santé, la paix et l'harmonie dans votre famille. C'est ce que nous lui demanderons avec insistance pour vous.
Sœur Maria Jesus Lopez

Posted about 1 year

The last 20 supports



Antoine A.
Antoine A.

20 €

Amis de Fribourg
Amis de Fribourg

120 €


100 €


Antoine A.
Antoine A.

20 €


50 €


Sylvie Mallet.
Sylvie Mallet.

150 €


FC Frg
FC Frg

100 €



50 €


50 €

Véronique Cappoen.
Sister Maria Jesus Lopez

My name is Maria Jesus Lopez Ferreira, a Daughter of Charity for 37 years. My vocation took place in Spain, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco, Mauritania and I've been in Senegal for 2 years.
I am an early childhood education teacher.
I've always been coordinator of early childhood education centres, except in Mauritania where I was coordinator of a women's training centre where we had a centre for the promotion of women with sewing, IT and hairdressing courses; and also another children's education centre where there were 3 classes for 3-6 year olds.
I am currently in charge of the Diouroup community.
