The adventures of a navigator
Childcare and education
The adventures of a navigator : Protecting children from violence
Tax eligible

Project partners

14 backers
on an objective of
14 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
665 € / 665 €
Travel diaries for Arauca schoolchildren.
665 € / 665 €
Travel logs for students at El Banco (Colombia)
665 € / 665 €
Travel logs for students from Cúcuta (Colombia)
2000 € / 2000 €
Travel diaries for students in Bogotà (Colombia)
1352 € / 1345 €
Travel diaries for 2 schools in Venezuela

Children victims of trafficking and armed violence on the Venezuelan-Colombian border 

Colombia and Venezuela are 2 countries that share a vast border area and a common history, and which are experiencing successive economic chaos and political conflict.

The Venezuelan crisis has forced many Venezuelans to flee their country for Colombia, itself traumatized by 50 years of armed conflict. 

The peace signed in 2016 between the government and FARC guerrillas is still fragile, and Colombia faces high levels of poverty, illicit trafficking and endemic corruption.

In a context of migratory flows conducive to human trafficking and smuggling, children are sometimes abused or forced to be recruited and exploited by illegal armed groups to become child soldiers.  

This climate of violence and fear makes them very vulnerable, sometimes resulting in severe psychological trauma, interruptions to their studies and the loss of family members and friends.  The Daughters of Charity arrived in Bogotá, Colombia, in 1951, and have never ceased to dedicate themselves to the education and care of people.

In 2011, they joined the “Defender of Life” network to prevent, raise awareness of and combat the violence that seriously affects the lives and rights of children and teenagers in towns and villages. 


"This vast rural area is very difficult to access and survival conditions are very harsh.  High levels of corruption, impunity and official tolerance make access to justice difficult for the vast majority of the population. Education, for the majority of the population, is very deficient and only a minority can access higher education".

 Sister Genoveva Nieto Guerrero


A project dedicated to preventing violence and defending life 

"In both Venezuela and Colombia, internal displacement caused by illegal armed groups means that children live in critical situations of abandonment, poverty, inequality and lack of access to education.

We are particularly mobilized on the subjects of human trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents." Sr Genoveva



Thanks to the participation of lay professionals with different backgrounds (journalists, psychologists, social workers, designers, publicists, political scientists and psychotherapists), the network was able to expand to other provinces of the Daughters of Charity: Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, with the aim of sharing the experience and materials created by the network.

This prevention and awareness-raising program was welcomed by 32 institutions throughout the country, representing a total of 5,775 children and teenagers, called upon to be “heroes and heroines defending life”, and 2,650 teachers. 

Implemented within the framework of the educational tools used within the network, the “Adventures of a navigator” project is designed to publish and distribute a travel log dedicated to young people, giving them the means to defend their lives and their rights, and the lives of others.


“Supported by their teachers and parents, they will be sensitized to becoming agents of change in their living environments: family, school, community, virtual world.” Sr Genoveva

The project's direct beneficiaries are 500 children and teenagers living in highly vulnerable, hard-to-reach areas.

Thank you so much for your support of this life-saving prevention and awareness campaign!


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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

C'est avec joie et bonheur que nous avons reçu la bonne nouvelle du succès financier du projet "Les aventures d’un navigateur.
Une gratitude infinie envers les donateurs qui se sont joints à l'engagement de donner aux enfants et aux adolescents les moyens d'être les défenseurs de leur propre vie, de la vie des autres et de la vie de la planète, de créer des espaces sûrs d'attention et de projection, où ils peuvent grandir, se développer sainement, aller à l'école et vivre sans peur.
Avec ces paroles de Jésus, recevez mes salutations de remerciement :
"Je vous le dis en vérité, tout ce que vous avez fait à l'un de ces plus petits de mes frères, c'est à moi que vous l'avez fait. (Mt. 25, 40).
Avec l'assurance de nos prières à toutes vos intentions.
Je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs,
Soeur Genoveva

Posted 22 days

The last 20 supports

Amis de Fribourg
Amis de Fribourg

30 €

Mariela A.
Mariela A.

50 €

Dominique et Alice Ramassamy.
Dominique et Alice Ramassamy.

52 €


50 €

Amis de Fribourg
Amis de Fribourg

50 €


Amis de Fribourg
Amis de Fribourg

50 €

Sylvie Mallet.
Sylvie Mallet.

200 €

Amis de Fribourg
Amis de Fribourg

100 €





Antoine A.
Antoine A.

20 €

L'équipe des Projets Rosalie
Sister Genoveva Nieto Guerrero

Sister Genoveva has been a secondary school teacher of philosophy, religious studies, literature and Sacred Scripture for over 50 years. She has ten years' experience in a pastoral school with young people, “Emmaus”, of which she is the founder.
She was trained in human trafficking issues by the Talita kum international network of nuns and by the Tamar network of the Colombian Conference of Religious. She brings to the network her concern for the defense of life, her pedagogical training and passion for children and adolescents, as well as her rich pastoral experience of 57 years of consecrated life.
For the past 15 years, she has been responsible for the “Defenders of Life” network, committed to eradicating the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents and human trafficking.
