Crying children
Crying children : Changing the life of a widow and her children
Tax eligible

Project partners

25 backers
on an objective of
25 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
1172 € / 1172 €
Food and clothing
1564 € / 1564 €
Rent and charges (water, electricity, etc.) for the property
326 € / 326 €
Uniforms and textbooks
1466 € / 1466 €
Tuition fees for 4 children
672 € / 472 €
Medical expenses

The Daughters of Charity serve many poor people in different parts of Ethiopia, both spiritually and physically.

"The capital Addis Ababa is the most populous city in the country. Many people have come here from different regions thinking that life is safer and better. There are many poor people who have no one to help them and who suffer in silence. The average income is very low, because most people have low-paid jobs". Sister Tigist

A very sad story, with lives to be saved

Tiruwork, 30, and her five children are among the many people who have lost hope in life because of poverty and the sudden death of her husband Ato.

The couple looked after their 5 children with love and attention: Robe and Robera, aged 9, Lalisa and Lalissie, aged 6, and Jalane, aged 3. Ato worked as a teacher in the Oromia region of western Ethiopia, where thieves and kidnappers are rife. They had to leave the area: Ato was constantly being extorted for large sums of money and he feared for their lives.

In Addis Ababa, he immediately looked for a job in a school to support his beloved family. Unfortunately, two weeks after their arrival, Ato collapsed and died before reaching the clinic. The children, in tears, asked the sisters who was now going to provide for them...

"The family's grief has been compounded by Tiruwork's depression. Since she lost her job at our Catholic school, which was demolished for a green zone project, she can no longer pay the rent or provide for the basic needs of her 5 young children." Sister Tigist

The sisters are very involved in changing the lives of this family. The children are very active and disciplined.

The project: to lift Tiruwork and its 5 young children out of extreme poverty by providing for their needs for 1 year.

The aid received will pay for :

- food and clothing 
- rent and housing charges (water, electricity, etc.)
- medical expenses
- school fees, uniforms and textbooks for the 4 children attending the school.

"This will ensure that children are physically and mentally healthy, work hard and achieve good results at school and do well at school." Sister Tigsit

Tiruwork will then be supported and encouraged to find a job and become financially independent.

With them, thanks to you!

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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Au nom des Filles de la Charité de la Province d'Éthiopie et des "Enfants qui pleurent", je vous envoie cette lettre pour vous exprimer mes remerciements les plus sincères pour votre confiance et votre volonté de soutenir ces enfants. Votre don généreux pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels effacera les larmes de ces enfants innocents et changera leur vie. Votre générosité a été une source de force pour moi et pour eux.
Vous nous avez donné bien plus que nous ne pourrons jamais vous rendre.
J'étais très inquiète et je priais pour ces enfants car j'ai vu à quel point leur cœur était brisé lorsqu'ils ont perdu leur père il y a six mois. Dieu a entendu ma prière par votre intermédiaire. Vos mots gentils et vos encouragements m'ont aidée à traverser cette période difficile pour être avec ces enfants et partager leur douleur. Je vous assure de mes prières quotidiennes pour chacun d'entre vous.
Je suis allée leur rendre visite et ils vous envoient à tous des salutations spéciales.
Encore une fois, merci beaucoup pour votre soutien. Vous êtes un cadeau et une bénédiction dans la vie de ces enfants.
Sr Tigist

Posted about 1 year

The last 20 supports

Damien Molat.
Damien Molat.

100 €

Cira E.
Cira E.

50 €



Sarah et etienne Laporte.
Sarah et etienne Laporte.

300 €

Henri De joux.
Henri De joux.

1500 €

Pascale Puggioni.
Pascale Puggioni.

59 €



50 €


100 €



Thierry Chatain.
Thierry Chatain.

1000 €


Hugues D.
Hugues D.

50 €


50 €



Simone D.
Simone D.

100 €


Véronique Cappoen.
Sister Tigist Rufael

I am Sister Tigist Rufael, a Daughter of Charity from the Province of Ethiopia.
I am a teacher by profession and have taught at Atse Teklegiorgis Catholic School for the past two years. Unfortunately, the school was demolished due to a renovation project after 52 years of service.
I currently live in the provincial house. I'm studying for a Master in Educational Leadership and Management.

Addis ababa