Smile to life
Medical care
Smile to life : Prevention and dental care: a health issue
Tax eligible

Project partners

24 backers
on an objective of
24 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
560 € / 560 €
Dental examinations
500 € / 500 €
Training and awareness-raising for classes and parents
3240 € / 4200 €
Dental interventions (radiology, extractions, treatments...)
0 € / 500 €
Purchase of oral material (toothpaste, toothbrushes...)
0 € / 240 €
Stakeholder compensation

"El Puerto" is located in the province of San Pedro de Macoris, in Dominican Republic. Founded between 1900 and 1902, it counts about 7000 inhabitants.

The main activities of this community are livestock, (in minority group) and cultivation (including sugar cane). Most of people are only self-sufficient but some of them are able to leave the city to sell their productions. Lands are owned mostly by the CEA (Consejo Estata del Azucar: the state council of Sugar) which are exploited by powerful and rich owners. 

In most of the other lands, irrigation system is lacking, which make the culture dependant of nature. The yields of crops and income generated are irregular, explaining the inequalities in the population.

Daughters of Charity lead the educational center called “The Milagrosa” from primary classes, secondary school and high school. As the majority of the establishment, the average age is high because the learning process is difficult and the rate of absenteeism is important.

The life of children and teenager is difficult in this community. Lots of them don’t live in a stable environment with their parents. At best, they live in single-parent family or with host family. This explains why they spend lots of time in the street and work in the lands (the "conucos").

Daughters of Charity welcome them in their center, offering them quality training and an awareness about Christian values. Because they produce sugar cane, people are used to eat sugary food. However, they are not used to take care of themselves and many of them do not know about oral health.

Our project: Prevent and reduce dental health pathologies

Health inequalities are in correlation with social inequalities. Lots of children and teenagers suffer from their younger age of dental cavities, throat infections, sensitive gums and teeth extractions…

When students get toothaches, they also get fever and miss school for a long time which makes it impossible to follow the courses.

Another problem is that the food can be quite hard for some of the student, to chew, they are deprived of food at school. This situation is frustrating causing a low self esteem. Added this to their elocution difficulties, they feel rejected by others which can lead to violence.

They parents or legal guardian renounce to the treatments because of they cannot afford them. Unfortunately, there is no health care system, and hygiene is not a priority. These young people never consulted a dentist and they are not aware of dental care.

Our goal: giving young people access to treatments

We plan to give a particular attention to the dental health of 30 children and teenagers of the center so that they can grow in better physical, educational and social conditions.

This involves:

  • establishing a program on dental health and the values of health in general
  • support students to take care of their hygiene and giving them prevention course to avoid pathologies
  • provide each student a kit with toothbrush, toothpaste and a booklet
  • training family on the importance of good hygiene and make them support their children
  • Finance necessary treatments for the most deprived

Impact of the project: collective actions of prevention and treatments

This project aims at educate children and teenager on the importance of hygiene and particularly on dental health to improve their life.

We will ask family to take part at this essential project. This will permit to the most deprived student to be more confident and accepted by the others.


Thank you in advance for your generosity besides sister Ysabel

and to the young people that Sisters of charity support daily 

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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

El Puerto, San Jose de Los
San Pedro de Macorís, Rép.
À tous les donateurs du projet « Souris à la vie »

Chers bienfaiteurs,

Que la joie du Christ remplisse vos cœurs.

Je vous écris avec un cœur reconnaissant, sachant qu'avec la contribution de chacun d'entre vous, il sera possible de mettre en place les soins dentaires des enfants de la Communauté portuaire en République Dominicaine.
Chacun des bénéficiaires de ce projet verra son rêve d'avoir ses dents réparées se réaliser. Eux qui n’ont jamais eu les moyens d’avoir quelque chose d'aussi précieux qu'une bouche saine, cela les rend vraiment heureux.

Dans ces lieux marginalisés, nous trouvons principalement des personnes très pauvres, dépourvues des éléments de base de toute vie humaine.
Parmi eux, un grand nombre d'enfants et d'adolescents ont perdu leurs dents très jeunes. Votre don atténue la douleur de leurs dents abîmées mais aussi et même plus encore celle du sentiment d’exclusion ressenti à cause d’une bouche malsaine.

Que le Seigneur fasse fructifier tous les efforts de l'équipe qui a travaillé sur le projet pour améliorer la qualité de vie de ces enfants et leur ouvrir ainsi les portes d'un avenir meilleur.

Une étreinte fraternelle à chacun des donateurs du projet « Souris à la vie », que le Seigneur vous bénisse toujours.

Soeur Ysabel Florentino
Fille de la Charité

El Puerto, San Jose de Los
San Pedro de Macorís, Rep.
To all donors of the "Mouse to Life" project

Dear donors,

May the joy of Christ fill your hearts.

I write to you with a grateful heart, knowing that with the contribution of each one of you it will be possible to set up dental care for the children of the Port Community in the Dominican Republic.
Each of the beneficiaries of this project will see their dream of having their teeth repaired come true. Those who have never had the means to have something as precious as a healthy mouth, this will make them truly happy.

In these marginalized places we find mainly very poor people, deprived of the basic elements of all human life.
Among them, a large number of children and adolescents have lost their teeth at a very young age. Your gift alleviates the pain of their damaged teeth but also and even more so the feeling of exclusion felt because of an unhealthy mouth.

May the Lord make all the efforts of the team who worked on the project bear fruit to improve the quality of life of these children and thus open the doors to a better future.

A fraternal embrace to each of the donors of the "Souris à la vie" project, may the Lord bless you always.

Sister Ysabel Florentino
Daughter of Charity

Posted over 3 years
L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Chers donateurs, merci pour ces dons charitables qui arrivent petit à petit. Les enfants ne sont plus à l’école pour le moment et la vie dans les familles est compliquée avec le Covid-19, mais nous passons régulièrement pour approvisionner ceux qui en ont besoin en produits alimentaires et sanitaires. Le projet sera d’une grande aide pour les enfants à la rentrée afin qu’ils reprennent un rythme de cours régulier sans manquer davantage l’école après cette épreuve.
Merci de tout cœur pour votre générosité et que Dieu vous garde.
Sœur Ysabel

Posted almost 4 years

The last 20 supports

Amis de Fribourg
Amis de Fribourg

100 €





100 €



Antoine A.
Antoine A.

15 €


Antoine A.
Antoine A.

15 €

Amis FC.
Amis FC.

50 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

15 €

Gérard Yue-yew.
Gérard Yue-yew.

500 €

Bernadette Dussert vidalet.
Bernadette Dussert vidalet.

100 €


100 €






L'équipe des Projets Rosalie
Sister Ysabel Florentino de la Cruz

Sister Ysabel is born 43 years ago in Peralvillo in Dominican Republic. She is sister of charity since the 27th of November 2002, date in which she also joined the association. She is graduated in education and worked as director in many schools of the community. She is actually and since less than one year working as director, in a school located in a poor village of San Pedro of Macoris . She is a very active person who is concerned about the wellness of the children.

Los llanos
Dominican Republic