At the end of my dreams
Reintegration and training
At the end of my dreams : Training for a woodworking enthusiast in Cameroon
Tax eligible

Project partners

34 backers
on an objective of
34 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
458 € / 458 €
Training in carpentry for one year
2260 € / 2260 €
Electrical equipment (grinder, drill, Dewat, ...)
1155 € / 1155 €
Basic tools (saws, chisels, square, press, small compressor, boards,...)
1832 € / 1832 €
Installation in the workshop -Rent for 12 months
171 € / 168 €
Transport costs for the material and the follow-up of the course

The Bianké couple were fostering two children who had been entrusted to them by the Daughters of Charity and whose parents were mentally ill. Recently, this family had told the sisters of their difficulties in continuing to care for them in addition to their 3 biological children.

Sr Delphine says:

"Since 2002 we have entrusted the couple Bianké Patrice and Jeanne Marie with a 3 year old child abandoned in a hut by his mother who suffered from schizophrenia and whose father was unknown. At that time, the couple did not yet have any children. And later they had the grace to have 3 children from their union. When Mrs Bianké was pregnant with her second child, they accepted once again to take care of this second child born to a couple of mentally ill parents that we found one morning in the fields between our home and the parish. The couple has always taken good care of the children. "

Cyriaque, one of the two 24-year-old orphans, has not returned to school since completing his carpentry diploma, although he would like to pursue the professional training he dreams of. 

"During a visit to Mr. Bianké's family, we noticed that young Cyriaque, who had always wanted to improve his carpentry skills, was not working at home after completing his bachelor's degree. We understood that his adoptive parents no longer had the means to continue to help him. The other four children have just started secondary school and the burden is getting heavier for them to support the family."

Project: Carpentry training and purchase of basic tools for further training

Passionate about woodworking, Cyriaque needed to complete his initial training with a one-year advanced course in carpentry with the aim of setting up a small workshop equipped with basic materials.

"I was able to meet the person in charge of the workshop. He agreed to let young Cyriaque continue to spend his days in the workshop with the other apprentices, while we find the funding for the training costs and the training materials. Cyriaque will do small services instead of being idle."

The sisters will cover the transport costs for one year during the training period. 

Thanks to the support of the Rosalie Projects, this training course will enable him to improve his skills and to quickly set up his own workshop, a source of resources for him and his family. 

With Them, Thanks to You

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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Par ces quelques mots je tiens à vous signifier ma gratitude face à votre sensibilité aux besoins de la famille Bianke, spécifiquement au jeune Cyriaque que cette famille a accepté d’héberger depuis qu’il avait trois années de vie jusqu’à ce jour. J’aimerai vous dire que le projet « Tout au bout de mes rêves » vient effectivement réaliser le rêve du jeune Cyriaque (dont les deux parents biologiques souffrent de maladie mentale) qui après son baccalauréat en menuiserie ne pouvait plus bénéficier du soutien financier de ses parent adoptifs à cause de la charge élevée de la famille qui n’arrive plus à subvenir aux besoins de base de leurs propres enfants qui sont encore au secondaire en vue du baccalauréat. L’oisiveté du jeune Cyriaque à la maison le rendait un peu rebelle et difficile. Il voulait tellement faire un stage pratique de perfectionnement en menuiserie, afin d’acquérir une expérience pratique dans la confection des différents articles et meubles en bois qui pourra l’aider un jour à s’autofinancer et à manifester sa reconnaissance à cette famille en aidant les enfants plus jeunes avec qui il a grandi. Nous avons présenté ce projet pour aider je jeune Cyriaque à réaliser son rêve d’auto emploi et d’autofinancement. Merci à vous tous pour votre sensibilité à sa situation et à votre générosité qui va dans un futur très proche l’aider à réaliser enfin son rêve. La communauté des sœurs Filles de la Charité de Dschang se joint à moi pour vous dire un vibrant merci. Que dieu tout puissant vous accorde la récompense au-delà de vos mérites. Très fraternellement et cordialement. Sr Delphine Matchinde

Posted over 1 year

Bonjour, et bravo à Soeur Delphine et à sa Communauté de Dschang, pour vos initiatives dans le service des Pauvres, en suscitant un réseau de solidarité avec des collaborations locales avec des personnes de bonne volonté, notamment pour l’accueil d’enfants abandonnés. St Vincent l’a fait en son temps, créant l’œuvre des enfants trouvés ! Merci à ce généreux couple qui a accepté d’élever ces 2 enfants… Le Seigneur les a bénis puisqu’ils ont eu la joie d’accueillir 3 enfants nés de leur union. « Qui donne reçoit »…
A nous maintenant, Amis des Projets Rosalie, de donner quelques « coups de pouce » pour contribuer à la formation professionnelle de Cyriaque. Qu’il puisse réaliser son rêve d’installer son propre atelier pour subvenir à ses besoins, aider sa famille d’accueil, en attendant le moment de créer la sienne… Bonne route à chacun, et que Dieu continue à vous bénir ! PH-Fdlc

Posted almost 2 years

The last 20 supports

Patrick Joubert.
Patrick Joubert.

150 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

35 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

30 €

Thierry Chatain.
Thierry Chatain.

1500 €


50 €


50 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

25 €




50 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

25 €


100 €


100 €


200 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

30 €


300 €


FC Frg
FC Frg

100 €

Mariela A.
Mariela A.

100 €


L'équipe des Projets Rosalie
Sister Delphine Matchinde

I live in Dschang in the West of Cameroon and am the Provincial Councillor in a community of 7 Sisters. Three sisters work at St Vincent de Paul Hospital, including myself as the hospital director, Sister Angela who works in the emergency room and Sister Emeline who works in the stock of medicines and pharmacy. Sr Katarzyna, the coordinator, together with Sr Nadège FEUBI KEMOE work at the DREAM Centre for the care of people living with HIV/AIDS. Maria PILAR RIOS at the Nutritional Centre and Sr Anna, Sister Servant of the Community coordinate the activities of the Centre of Hope which takes care of children with physical and/or motor disabilities. All the sisters are full time in their respective departments. I will follow the project closely by visiting once a month. Only the trainer of young Cyriaque will receive a salary for the year of the internship. The rest of the actors are volunteers in this project.
