25 years after the tragedy of the genocide, Rwanda is now considered a model of economic growth. A vast modernization program has enabled the capital city of Kigali to transform itself, but has left out many families who were already in a precarious situation. They were the first victims of this massive urbanization and, due to lack of means, had to leave the capital and move to the outskirts.
Launched last spring by Sister Anne Marie, Sister Anastasie and Sister Theodosia, the Rosalie project "What will I be without a roof over my head" has enabled the renovation of houses so that four needy families can keep their property.
The first step was to motivate these discouraged families and then to identify the means available to them to contribute to the work and start the project. The next step, and not the least, was to obtain the necessary authorization for the renovation from the local administration.
Thanks to the support of Rosalie Projects, which complemented the financial assistance of the Daughters of Charity community on site, the renovations were able to begin in the summer and be completed this fall, with the confinement delaying the project a bit. During these months, the Daughters of Charity regularly supervised the progress of the work and had to face another difficulty, that of the increase in the price of certain materials. In order to keep within the budget, certain priorities were decided in agreement with the families and some work could not be done.
Nevertheless, the representatives of Saint Vincent de Paul are satisfied with the result, as are the beneficiaries, proud to have a beautiful house.
According to Sister Anastasie, "the project has had a very positive impact on the lives of the beneficiaries," with the following objectives largely achieved:
1- A decent home and family stability:
The Sisters noticed a difference between the pre-project and post-project families. With their renovated home, the families are happy and united because the project brought them together to work together. Moreover, the children are reassured because their parents will not move anymore. They go back to school and return home with pleasure. They are protected by a roof over their heads and do not get sick like before.
2- Feeling dignified and respected in society:
The local authorities are satisfied with the transformation of the district by the embellishment of the houses. They were able to issue property titles, making the families dignified and respected by their surroundings.
3- Economic development:
The property deed allows the beneficiaries to invest in their land by cultivating it. In addition to producing fruits and vegetables for their needs, they will also be able to make some profit on resale in order to save money for their indoor and/or outdoor habitat.
The direct beneficiaries of this project are 16 people, or 4 families as follows
- Zahara's family: 7 members
- Jean de Dieu's family: 3 members
- Bernadette's family: 3 members
- Eustace's family: 3 members
There are also 33 indirect beneficiaries:
- The workers (25) who worked on the renovation of the houses
- Traders (8) who sold the construction materials.
"We, NIYIBIZI Abraham and NZAMUTUMA Zahara, thank the benefactors who helped us to have a beautiful house thanks to the Daughters of Charity. We were desperate because the house was going to fall on us, we had lost hope because without a house we were not going to continue to live in the outskirts of the city of Kigali, we wondered where to go. Here we are, God has answered our prayers. Now, we are in the joy to be worthy like the others, to have a cemented house that shines with paint. May God bless our benefactors.
Sister Theodosia thanks you with these words:
"Simply we say a big thank you on behalf of the beneficiaries, our sisters who have accompanied the families regularly. Your support came in time to relieve these poor families. They are in the joy and in the thanksgiving to have dignified and clean houses. THANK YOU, GOD BLESS YOU!
The Sisters of the Rosalie project had planned a blessing of the houses but this has not yet taken place due to the measures taken by the Kenyan state against the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
With them, through you