Classes are open!
Childcare and education
Classes are open! : Learning for the benefit of all
Tax eligible

Project partners

33 backers
on an objective of
33 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
192 € / 192 €
Works of Philosophy (second class)
1026 € / 1026 €
4 books of literature per student (Andromache, Misanthrope, African Anthology,...)
1152 € / 1152 €
Textbooks in Mathematics, Physics, SVT and Computer Science (3rd and 2nd year)
622 € / 622 €
History-Geography and Citizenship Education Textbooks
828 € / 828 €
Pond Language Manuals


Although Africa is the continent least affected by the coronavirus epidemic, nine regions of Cameroon are now affected by the pandemic, placing the country among the most affected in Africa. With the closure of borders, containment measures and rising food prices, economic collapse and famine are all concrete threats.

The economic consequences of this epidemic are an additional challenge for the country, which is already marked by violence in the far north, north-west and south-west regions. For several years, conflicts and threats in these regions have led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people and drastically reduced access to health care and education in these regions, which have become particularly vulnerable.

Midjivin is a canton located in the Far North Region of Cameroon. It has nearly 12,900 inhabitants belonging to three majority ethnic groups (Guiziga, Moudang and Guidar.) Cotton cultivation remains the main source of income for the population. Living for the most part from subsistence agriculture (millet, groundnuts, beans and maize, livestock), their harvests are barely enough to support their families. In order to enrich their diet, the inhabitants often have to sell the few reserves in their granary in order to obtain a minimum of protein.

Needs : To continue the educational work of the Daughters of Charity in the region

The St. Catherine Labouré School Complex, run by the Daughters of Charity, is the only college in the area. It is also the only college in the diocese. It includes 6 large departments with high schools and CES, but most of the infrastructures are dilapidated and the pedagogical follow-up is sometimes deplorable, hence the alarming school results.

The vocation of the Daughters of Charity is to accompany their students to a level of education that is commensurate with their ambitions and that of their country. Over the years, they manage to open classes and equip the establishment with the infrastructures indispensable for its functioning.

Already in 2018, the Daughters of Charity had solicited the Rosalie Projects to finance the purchase of books and to ensure the schooling of the young people for the opening of a 6th grade class. Last year's appeal for donations also helped finance the cost of computer equipment to ensure the efficient running of the school.

This year, it is the pupils in 3ème and seconde who need textbooks in order to progress in their school learning.

Most of these children come from poor families and the parents' low incomes do not allow them to buy their children textbooks or supplies.

Many students have only two or three notebooks on which they are forced to take notes for about ten subjects. Moreover, in a class of 20 students, barely one or two have a book.

These conditions slow down their learning whereas the stakes for next year are particularly high for these pupils in 3ème: for the first time since the opening of classes, they must be prepared for the BEPC (Brevet d'études du Premier Cycle).

Project : Purchasing school books to enable every student to succeed

With the acquisition of these books, the Daughters of Charity and the pedagogical team will be able to give the courses in the decent pedagogical conditions aimed at:

  • Optimize the scholastic performance of the students
  • Avoid wastage or school desertion
  • Encouraging academic excellence
  • Relieving parents

These books will be made available to students during classes and study hours to progress with the exercises given by the teachers. The students are of course made aware of the maintenance and the good keeping of these books, as well as of the assiduity during their schooling.

Impact : facilitating the school career of 60 young people

With the opening of these 2 new classes, this education project will help 60 students (30 in 3ème and 30 in seconde) to improve their academic performance and make the most of their potential.

By donating 75€, this represents for a colleague

  • the purchase of all the books for the school year
  • the dissemination of knowledge by their teachers

Learning for the benefit of all our students

Thank you for your commitment to them

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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Chers amis des Projets Rosalie
Nous vous remercions de votre générosité.
"Un enfant sans éducation est un orphelin". Avec votre aide, vous avez contribuez non seulement à l'épanouissement intellectuelle d'une soixantaine d'enfants mais aussi à leur développement humain. Oui, l'aide que vous leur apportez fait de vous un" père ", une " mère ", un " frère ", une " sœur".
Grâce à vous, le projet " Les classes sont ouvertes " est riche de toutes ces mains tendues pour porter son rêve, celui de permettre aux élèves d'avoir accès aux livres pour continuer à améliorer leurs performances scolaires.
Nous nous cheminons depuis trois ans dans notre mission éducative et vous nous avez accompagné sur ce chemin.
Encore Merci et toute notre reconnaissance pour votre élan de cœur !!!
Sr Lorraine Toko

Posted almost 4 years
L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Sans éducation, il n'y a pas d'avenir. De même, en l'absence des livres, les performances scolaires de nos élèves ne sont pas à la hauteur de nos attentes, et de leur capacités !
Chers amis donateurs, grâce à votre concours, le collège de Midjivin a pu ouvrir les classes de 6e, 5e et 4e. ! Oh! Quelle générosité, quelle attention à notre endroit ! Votre effort ne cesse d'influer sur les rendements scolaires de nos élèves. Tenez, cette année scolaire s'achève avec un taux de réussite global de 95%! Cela, grâce aux livres, qui facilitent les apprentissages et permettent aux élèves de faire régulièrement leurs exercices en vue d'affronter les évaluations dans la sérénité et l'assurance.
Votre générosité reconnue, votre élan de cœur renouvelé, votre amour pour les jeunes en difficulté, oui, votre passion pour l'éducation de la jeunesse nous permettra de continuer cette belle aventure de formation.
En effet, votre don nous permettra d'acheter des livres pour les classes de 3e et de seconde. Cette année nous est particulière car nous présenterons la première cuvée au Brevet, marquant la fin du premier cycle. Avec vous, comptant sur votre aide grandissante, nous vivrons ensemble ce tournant décisif. MERCI de votre générosité sans faille!

Posted almost 4 years

The last 20 supports



30 €



Ania Sałaj.
Ania Sałaj.

10 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

25 €

Amis de Fribourg
Amis de Fribourg

100 €

Mariela A.
Mariela A.

50 €


10 €

Hugues D.
Hugues D.

50 €





Antoine A.
Antoine A.

15 €





25 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

15 €

L'équipe des Projets Rosalie
Sr Lorraine Djongoue Toko

I am Sister Lorraine TOKO, Daughter of Charity of the Province of Cameroon and responsible for the Community of Midjivin. I am on mission in Midjivin in the Far North of Cameroon where the Daughters of Charity have been present since 1971. We are currently 6 sisters who carry out the social work of the Daughters of Charity (home visits, PMI in 13 villages, follow-up of abandoned elderly people, parish ministry, etc.). We also put a lot of effort into the education of children and young people who are the hope of the Church and the world.
In 1997, the Daughters of Charity established a Nursery and Primary School which now has 300 students. Since 2017, at the insistent request of parents who are concerned about the quality education of their children, they have opened a General Education College for which I am responsible.
