My village at the end of the world
My village at the end of the world  : Offer activity and training workshops
Tax eligible

Project partners

Groupe scolaire SVP (75013)
Ecole Notre-Dame des Vertus
Ensemble scolaire St Charles (01400)
31 backers
Groupe scolaire SVP (75013)
Ecole Notre-Dame des Vertus
Ensemble scolaire St Charles (01400)
on an objective of
31 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
415 € / 415 €
Building materials (iron bars, wood, fabric) and labor
335 € / 335 €
Water tanks
1760 € / 1760 €
Language courses and training for women
2880 € / 2880 €
Sport, Drawing and Dance activities
5273 € / 300 €
Workshop materials

Poor families living in the isolated desert region of "Château d'Eau" in Mauritania 

In Mauritania, whose population is 100% Muslim, two communities of the Daughters of Charity live respectively in Nouakchott, the capital, and in Atar, 453 km to the west, in the interior of the desert.

In Atar, there are almost 32,000 inhabitants of several ethnic groups, the largest of which are the white Moorish Berbers and the Harratines, freed former slaves

The town derives its wealth from the cultivation of dates and vegetables in the oases, and from the breeding of sheep and donkeys, which also serve as a means of transport.

"Although Atar is considered the country's most touristic region, terrorist threats and the Covid-19 pandemic have wiped out tourist and commercial activity in and around the town in recent years, to the detriment of local families." Sr Diala 

On the outskirts of Atar lies the village of "Château d'Eau", strangely named as the area is stony and windswept, and until now has been deprived of a water pipeline.

Many poor families take refuge here, as rents are cheap. The government is gradually building up the necessary infrastructure. 

Like all desert climates, it is extreme and varied, with temperatures exceeding 30-35 degrees on winter days and 50-60 degrees in summer.

"The Daughters of Charity have been in Atar for 25 years. We are currently 4 sisters dedicated to the education of the little ones in 2 kindergartens: one in Atar, created 5 years ago and which today welcomes 90 children, and another in Château d'Eau, created 3 years ago, which can welcome and educate 55 children." Sr Diala

To promote integration and training, the sisters also run literacy courses for around a hundred young people and adults. 

"The language spoken is Hassanya dialect. French and English are learned at school, but the level is very low. Students who reach the Bac are unable to read or write a paragraph correctly. Some elders speak French but can't write it." Sr Diala

Finally, the sisters are fighting against malnutrition among their babies and provide health care for their mothers.

Project: Set up 2 tents to offer workshops and social interaction for children, young people and mothers. 

In this particular region of Château d'Eau, which is even more disadvantaged than the center of Atar, the population lacks everything: healthcare, hygiene, education, supervision of women, activities to keep children and young people occupied.

Last year, Rosalie Projects helped Sr Diala set up a reception center to provide education and meals for young children, training for young adults and hygiene awareness for mothers and women.

This year, Sr Diala wants to go one step further by offering educational, artistic and sporting activities for children, young people and mothers.

"In the absence of any public space for entertainment or activities, idle children play with car wheels that they drag across the sand. Young people and mothers are often in front of the television (at home or with neighbors who own one) since they have nothing else to do, with no vision for the future." Sr Diala


"With this project, we aim to develop the intellectual, artistic, sporting and social skills of children, young people and women by offering them various workshops and training courses with the involvement of outside educators. This will enable them to develop more fully and occupy their time more effectively". Sr Diala

To encourage these moments of activity, the sisters need 2 tents which will be set up in the outer courtyard of the kindergarten.

"The sun beats down very hard during the day, and at present we can only use one small room inside the kindergarten to protect us from the extreme heat.
We'd like to buy the materials we need to set up the tents and equip the workshops. We also need to recruit and pay 4 monitors for these workshops, as well as occasional speakers to train the women." Sr Diala

The total number of beneficiaries could reach 120 over an 8-month period.

"If we can provide 2 groups per day for each workshop, the number of beneficiaries could double to 250. It all depends on the support received." Sr Diala

Many thanks for your support.
With them, thanks to you!

Sister Diala presents the project:

All donations received in excess of the target will be donated to the project to enable Sr Diala to run these workshops for more people and over a longer period than the 8 months planned.   


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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

"Semez des graines de sourires sur les lèvres des autres et vous cultiverez les fruits de bonheur dans votre cœur" (Stéphane Owona)
Chers donateurs,
Au nom des enfants, des jeunes et des adultes de Château d'Eau-Atar, que votre geste de partage et fraternité va aider à s'épanouir, je vous remercie.
Une fois de plus, avec ce projet tombé en plein carême, nous avons pu expérimenter à travers vous le vrai sens du jeûne que le Seigneur nous demande: le partage avec nos frères dans le besoin...
Que les sourires que vous semez aujourd'hui sur les lèvres de cette population portent d'abondants fruits de bonheur de fraternité et d'amour dans vos vies.
Sr Diala Kassably

Posted 4 months

The last 20 supports


Nathalie Macchi.
Nathalie Macchi.

1449 €


100 €

Saint charles Ensemble scolaire.
Saint charles Ensemble scolaire.

930 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

25 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

25 €

Dominique et Alice Ramassamy.
Dominique et Alice Ramassamy.

52 €

Antoine A.
Antoine A.

25 €


Chloé Doutreleau laurier.
Chloé Doutreleau laurier.

180 €





Annie Lestrade.
Annie Lestrade.

60 €


170 €


Simone D.
Simone D.

100 €



L'équipe des Projets Rosalie
Sr Diala Kassably

I am Sr Diala Kassably, of Lebanese origin and a Daughter of Charity for 24 years. I have served in Lebanon for 20 years in schools and boarding schools, and with migrants and the homeless. In October 2020, I was sent on an Ad Gentes mission to Mauritania- Atar where, with 3 sisters, we work in the fields of health, education and the excluded, especially prisoners.
