Coffee break
Coffee break : Fraternal home for the homeless
Tax eligible

Project partners

40 backers
on an objective of
40 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
900 € / 900 €
Cafés Accueil offered to 20 people for 3 months
900 € / 900 €
Cafés Accueil offered to 40 people for 3 months
900 € / 900 €
Cafés Accueil offered to 60 people for 3 months
900 € / 900 €
Cafés Accueil offered to 80 people for 3 months
932 € / 900 €
Cafés Accueil offered to 100 people for 3 months

The St Merri café: a haven of peace for the homeless in the heart of the capital

During the confinement caused by Covid, when all reception facilities were closed, parish priest Alexandre Denis and a few parishioners, including two Daughters of Charity, set up a table in front of St Merri church in the 4th arrondissement of Paris to offer a small coffee to people sleeping rough.

"Three years later, "Radio rue" has worked! Every morning, some 80 people come to take a break between where they sleep and the nearby municipal shower baths. We are a dozen parishioners who provide this service, with 2 volunteers each day".  Sr Danièle 

The current economic situation is making the poorest even more precarious. The cold in winter and the heatwave in summer are destroying the health of the homeless.

"However, in the heart of this historic district, something has changed: shopkeepers offer us bread, sandwiches, sweets... Passers-by ask for information and sometimes make a financial donation. Friendly ties have been forged between volunteers committed to the same local solidarity. A number of health support programs have been set up. Many have been able to receive anti-covid vaccines."

"When we meet our friends on the street during the day, we're happy to be able to take a little time and chat with them, to find out their first names. Now we know each other. The smiles and sometimes the hugs bear witness to that!" Sr Danièle

Project: Perpetuating coffee get-togethers at St Merri 

"However, we still need to ensure these welcome times and offer light snacks every month to our friends. We need €1,500 to buy sandwiches, light pastries, coffee, tea, soluble soups, sugar, cups and paper towels every month".


4500€ would allow us to operate for 3 months without burdening the parish budget, which already benefits from diocesan solidarity.

"Whenever you did it to one of the least of these who are my brothers, you did it to me." Mt 25:40

Testimonials from some of the homeless:

One day William (35-40 years old), slightly handicapped and very marked by life on the street, wanted to put a candle in the church, in front of the trunk of candles (2€), he announced:

- "I've only got 50 centimes"!

- "It doesn't matter, just put in your 50 cents!"

"The moving tinkle of the poor man's offering falling into the trunk....
He took from his indigence and put in everything he had to live on."
Sr Danièle

Some time later, Georges attends a weekday mass, alongside Christian, a café volunteer. When, at the end of mass, the priest intones the "Hail Mary", George cries and confides to Christian: "It was the song my Mum used to sing to me when I was little, before I fell asleep."

"While he always calls us "tata" and "tontons" when we serve him, George says to Christian that day: "You, I want to call you: Dad".


Tears in your eyes

To you for whom we are your uncles

A sudden song rises to the Virgin Mary

In your bruised eyes tears flowed

Who are you? Where are you? But what is your homeland?

Never mind these questions, peace has passed

You have nothing to offer, you stand and pray

And Mary joins you and takes you by the hand

Chooses among us all you her beloved child

She knows all about you and knows your way

She speaks to your heart and you know how to listen

You remember the words your mother used to say

Those words she used to sing and that enchanted you.

Every day on the street you see nothing but contempt

And by that sudden song, star in the firmament 

An unknown happiness seized your spirit.

Poem by Christian

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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Chers amis donateurs,
Merci de votre participation à notre cagnotte de solidarité pour la pause-café. Votre générosité va nous permettre de passer l’été tranquilles. Pour tout vous dire, nous avons déjà fait les courses, profitant d’une opportunité de voiture. Toute la livraison est arrivée à bon port à la paroisse St Merry.
Ces derniers jours nous avons eu beaucoup de monde au petit déjeuner car certaines associations sont déjà fermées pour les vacances d’été. Notre équipe de bénévoles quant à elle, s’est organisée pour que nous puissions chaque matin accueillir nos amis de la rue.
Bel été à tous !
Sœur Danièle

Posted about 1 year

Notre atelier poterie ouvert à des personnes en précarité a décidé de verser 50 € pour ce projet. Ces 50 € sont le fruit d'une vente d'objets fabriqués à l'atelier et récemment organisée au cours d'une exposition à la bagagerie Antigel. Nous avons terminé l'année par un repas qui nous réunissait tous. C'est au cours de ce repas que la décision de ce versement a été prise à l'unanimité. Merci les amis. Sr Danièle

Posted about 1 year

The last 20 supports



Guillaume Huot.
Guillaume Huot.

300 €

Sylviane Rapin.
Sylviane Rapin.

20 €


50 €






50 €


Antoine A.
Antoine A.

15 €


Charles-henri et nathalie  Savouré .
Charles-henri et nathalie Savouré .

150 €





Damien Legrand.
Damien Legrand.

100 €


L'équipe des Projets Rosalie
Sister Danièle Kogel

I'm Sister Danièle Kogel from the Belgium-France-Switzerland province. A Daughter of Charity for 53 years, I am particularly committed to helping people living in extreme poverty in the Ile de France region, and in recent years in Paris, particularly those living on the streets. This commitment has led me to work as a volunteer for a number of different associations involved in the fight against extreme poverty and exclusion.
We are currently 2 Daughters of Charity living in a house in the heart of Paris, a foundation dating back to the time of St Vincent. In this house, in addition to the community, there is a school, a college and tenants. We strive to make these people aware of the realities of life for the homeless in Paris, and particularly in our neighborhood of Les Halles-le Marais. The school and college organize regular collections of basic necessities, which we redistribute in emergencies.
During the "COVID" epidemic, a few parishioners organized a street café right outside the church. The café has been running ever since, and every morning around 80 rough sleepers benefit from this service.
