When all you have are chickens
Childcare and education
When all you have are chickens : Chicken houses for a school in Nigeria
Tax eligible

Project partners

11 backers
on an objective of
11 backers
Finished time remaining
The steps
576 € / 576 €
Poultry farming training
1600 € / 1600 €
Construction of 2 chicken houses
992 € / 992 €
Purchase of 500 chicks
2016 € / 2016 €
Water cans and bags of food
1816 € / 800 €
Plastic crates for eggs

In the suburbs of Benin City, the capital of Edo State in Nigeria, the majority of primary schools are inaccessible to vulnerable children with disabilities.

In 2019, at the Archbishop's request, the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul set up the Lindalva Inclusive School to offer these nursery and primary school children a good education. They interact as they would in a normal school, whether they are disabled or not. The sisters and laypeople work together in a strong spirit of collaboration for the education and development of all, in close collaboration with the parents.

Thanks to the Rosalie Project, pupils have been able to have a meal twice a day, whereas many of them used to arrive at school hungry ("Not to live alone" project).
The aid received was then used to equip the school with computers and distribute school supplies to poor children ("Little sick bodies" project).

"The school now has 200 pupils (90 boys and 110 girls)!
We plan to set up a small poultry farm to ensure the school's viability. The eggs will be sold at a price the villagers can afford, and the money will be used each year to fund meals and school supplies for poor children." Sister Martha

The project: to set up a small poultry farm to generate income and ensure the long-term future of the school's activities.

Farming started at the beginning of September. A sister and two young widows are currently looking after the poultry and collecting the eggs. Another sister and a young disabled adult keep the accounts of income and purchases. A third sister supervises all the activities of the poultry farm.

"Poor people in the village will also be able to buy eggs at an affordable price and sell them on the open market to generate income to improve their living conditions and encourage social interaction with others." Sister Martha

The benefits of this breeding project are numerous:

- teach young adults with disabilities poultry farming skills

- create jobs for families who have no work

- to make raising chickens a source of income for the school and help meet the needs of the school's children

- improve the nutrition and health of children and poor people in the community

- increase enrolment, parental involvement and teacher commitment.

Your support will enable the school to ensure continuity of educational support
and the development of children's skills.

With them, thanks to you!

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L'équipe des Projets Rosalie

Je suis très heureuse de savoir que le projet vient d'être clôturé et que le financement est réussi.
L'argent envoyé par l'intermédiaire des Projets Rosalie permettra de sauver de nombreuses vies, en particulier celles des enfants, d'améliorer les conditions de vie de nombreuses familles et de l'école, ainsi que la nutrition et la santé des enfants de la région.
De plus, le fait que nous ne nous soyons pas concentrés uniquement sur la solution immédiate (ferme avicole), mais que nous ayons adopté une approche efficace et holistique du projet et que nous ayons ainsi abordé les actions préventives et curatives pour les enfants, pour la continuité de l'école et de la communauté, est une bonne nouvelle pour tout le monde.
Un grand merci à nos donateurs qui nous ont tant soutenus dans ce projet. Nous apprécions votre gentillesse et votre générosité, ainsi que l'amour et l'attention que vous portez à la communauté de l'école inclusive de Lindalva, qui comprend également les parents et les villageois.
Que Dieu récompense chacun d'entre vous au centuple pour vos efforts, maintenant et toujours.
Sr Ali Martha

Posted 8 months

The last 20 supports




75 €


Philippe Devaux.
Philippe Devaux.

100 €




70 €


50 €

Amis de Fribourg
Amis de Fribourg

80 €


100 €

Véronique Cappoen.
Sr Martha Ali

I am Sister Martha Ali, Daughter of Charity of the Province of Nigeria. As a teacher of the deaf, I worked in an inclusive school for nine years. I was then transferred to the provincial house in Porthacourt where I worked as provincial bursar for another nine years. I went to Rome to follow a diploma course on the protection of minors and vulnerable adults. I am currently the administrator of a school set up in 2019 by the Nigerian province of the Daughters of Charity to cater for children from disadvantaged backgrounds and children with disabilities. I am the sister servant of the Blessed Lindalva community where the school is located. I also advocate and raise awareness in schools, churches and villages about the protection of vulnerable children and adults, particularly people with disabilities.

Benin city